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Senior Class 2024 Information

Important Dates

  • Graduation Fee Form, February 29
    A fee of $150 will be collected to supplement the cost of the ceremony, baccalaureate mass, cap and gown, and other miscellaneous graduation expenses. Please click here to complete the form and pay the required fee no later than February 29.

  • Senior Retreat, April 18, 9 am  - 1:30 pm
    The Senior Class of 2024 Retreat will be held on Thursday, April 18  from 9 am to 1:30 pm on Beaumont’s campus. Attendance is mandatory as part of the class retreat graduation requirement. Students are welcome to dress in Beaumont Dress Down attire. 

  • Career Day, April 19, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
    Career Day, a tradition at Beaumont School, allows students the opportunity to interact with professionals in a wide variety of fields to further discern their career paths.

  • Cap and Gown Distribution, April 19
    Caps and gowns are distributed after Career Day activities.

  • Prom, April 26, 6:30 - 10:00 pm & After Prom, 10:00 pm - 12:00 am
    Beaumont School’s Prom and After Prom is on Friday, April 26 from 6:30 pm - 12:00 am at the Cleveland Metropark Zoo’s ballroom, Stillwater Place. 

    The After Prom event is not sponsored or approved by Beaumont School. After Prom is organized, sponsored, and made available solely and separately by Parents of Beaumont, and is not offered as part of or in connection with the Beaumont School Prom. Beaumont School does not endorse or assume responsibility for any party’s participation in the After Prom event. Neither Beaumont School nor its employees, directors, officers, representatives, or agents make any representations or warranties about the After Prom event including, but not limited to, whether the sponsoring parties of After Prom or any attendees or participants in the After Prom event are in compliance with any rules and regulations applicable to the event or the safety and security of any attendees or participants in the After Prom event. BEAUMONT SCHOOL, ITS EMPLOYEES, DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, REPRESENTATIVES AND AGENTS HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITY WITH REGARD TO THE AFTER-PROM EVENT.

  • Project R.E.A.L. April 25 - May 13 (for students not taking IB/AP Exams)
    As outlined in the Handbook, all students not taking an end-of-year IB or AP exam will complete Project R.E.A.L. Project R.E.A.L. is a 16-hour work and life experience for seniors to get a look at how their classroom experiences over the last four years translate to the world outside of Beaumont. By exposing students to these opportunities, we encourage them to apply the knowledge and skills learned at Beaumont to a real career or service experience. The Project and a corresponding evaluation must be completed between Thursday, April 25 and Monday, May 13.

    Students required to do the Project received an email from Ms. O’Connor. View the 2024 Requirement sheet for full detail

    To complete the Project REAL requirement, there are four steps to follow. 

                1. Submit the Class of 2024 Project REAL Completion Plan form by April 11.

                2. Complete 16 hours of job shadowing between April 25 and May 13. Note: all 16 hours DO NOT need to be completed at the
                    same site/with the same person.

               3. Track and submit hours on MobileServe App as they are completed. Reference the How to Submit Hours instructions on the
                   2024 Requirement sheet for information on how to fill out the hours in the app.

               4. Submit the Class of 2024 Project REAL Reflection form by May 13. Failure to complete/submit hours and reflection form by
                   this date will require students to complete 20 hours

            Please reach out to Ms. O’Connor with questions.

  • AP and IB Exams, April 25 - May 17
    Find the detailed schedule for the AP and IB Exams here.

  • Senior Exams, May 1 and May 2
    Senior exams will occur during regularly scheduled class times. Students who have earned an “A” in a particular course may be exempt from that specific exam.

  • Senior Last Day (Senior Awards Assembly and Wall Jump), May 3, 12:00 pm - 3:05 pm
    The last day for seniors is Friday, May 3. Seniors arrive at 12:00 pm for a grill-out lunch in the MAK – attendance will be taken. After lunch, the senior-only awards assembly will start at 1 pm and wall jump will immediately follow.

  • Mother-Daughter Dinner, May 13, 6 - 9 pm
    The Mother and Senior Daughter Farewell Dinner will be on Monday, May 13 from 6 - 9 pm. This wonderful tradition features reflection, dinner, and a slide show. The Mother and Senior Daughter Farewell Dinner is sponsored by the Mothers’ Club.
    The event begins at 6 pm in the St. Ursula lobby/meadow. Dinner is served in the MAK after the chapel prayer service. For questions, please contact Amber Gibbs or Roseann Spitznagel

  • College T-Shirt Picture Day, May 14, 11:30 am on Beaumont Field  ****THIS DATE/TIME HAS CHANGED FROM THE ORIGINAL DATE
    We'll be taking individual and group photos in your college shirt. A digital copy of each student's photo will be emailed to parents. These photos will be used for marketing purposes, so please prepare as you would for a photoshoot. Meet on the Beaumont field at 11:30 am for a group photo. Individual photos will be taken immediately following in the gym, with lunch to follow. Please wear a college top and your school uniform skirt. Share the impact Beaumont has had on you in our quick survey.
  • Graduation Practice, May 14, 1:30 - 3:00 pm
    Graduation practice will be in the gym. Seniors are encouraged to bring the shoes they will be wearing for Commencement. 
  • Graduation Practice, May 16, 12:30 - 3:00 pm
    Graduation practice will be held on Thursday, May 16 at the Church of the Gesu. Graduation practice is mandatory. Seniors are encouraged to bring the shoes they will be wearing to Commencement. Each graduate will receive five (5) tickets to the Commencement Ceremony on May 20. Tickets will be distributed at graduation practice.

  • Class Day Assembly, May 17, 12:30 - 3:05 pm
    Class Day is scheduled for Friday, May 17. Seniors arrive at 12:30 pm, gather at the St. Angela statue at 1 pm, and process through the halls from 1:10-1:20 pm. The Class Day assembly is from 1:30 to 3:05 pm. Class Day is a formal ceremony where the student body formally bids farewell to the Senior class. The Seniors dress in caps and gowns. Students should wear light-colored (pastel or white) dresses or skirts and blouses beneath their gowns for Class Day.

  • Graduation Announcements and Other Graduation Celebration Products
    Graduation caps, gowns and tassels have already been ordered. If you want to purchase graduation announcements or other celebration products, please visit Josten's website. Beaumont has no expectation that you purchase these items, but you certainly may do so. 

  • Baccalaureate Mass, May 17, 6:00 pm 
    Baccalaureate Mass is on Friday, May 17 at 6:00 pm at Saint Dominic Church. More details regarding the Baccalaureate are forthcoming.

  • Commencement, May 20, 7:30 pm
    Commencement is on Monday, May 20 at 7:30 pm at the Church of the Gesu. Graduates are to be at Gesu by 6:45 pm.
    Tickets are required, but seats are not reserved. Each graduate will receive five (5) tickets to the Commencement Ceremony.
    Students should wear light-colored (pastel or white) dresses or skirts and blouses beneath their gowns for Graduation.
    Photos will be taken of each graduate as she receives her diploma during the ceremony. These photos are free of charge and will be mailed directly to you after they are processed. 

    Lastly, please use this Commencement Extra Ticket Request Form to request up to three extra tickets. This is in addition to the five guaranteed tickets per student; your Senior does not need a ticket. The form closes on Tuesday, April 30 at 8 pm. On Friday, May 3, we will communicate to requesting families how many extra tickets we can offer. We are hopeful to meet most, if not all, requests