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Academic Scholars


Beaumont’s Academic Scholars participate in challenging learning experiences inside and outside the classroom that enhance knowledge, understanding, and skills required for success in college. Scholars photographed above visited Fallingwater, the architectural masterwork of Frank Lloyd Wright.

Beaumont Academic Scholars

  • Aspire to be successful in some of the most complex and competitive fields worldwide - technology, science and engineering.
  • Participate in challenging learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom that enhance students’ knowledge, understanding and skills required for success in college.
  • Experience myriad opportunities exploring complex subject matter such as industrial design, medical research, the law and coding.
  • Build confidence and take responsibility for their future.

AWT Robots Competitions and Awards 

Our Robotics teams have placed in the top 3 spots of competition each year both locally and nationally.

"Robotics is a highly rewarding academic experience that pushes creativity in an engineering mindset." Maverick Team Member, Meghan '22


University Hospitals Harrington Discovery Institute Summer Internships

For eight weeks during the summer our students work with mentors on research led by Dr. James Reynolds and team leaders from HDI/University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve conducting hands-on research in the lab.

Our Academic Scholars have also participated in:

Field Trip to IKEA in Columbus with Veale Entrepreneurs and IB Design Technology Class

Maker Camps at  think[box] at CWRU and CSU

Field trip to Hyland Software

SPARK Women in STEM Conference at Cleveland Convention Center

STEM Goes Red for Girls at MetroHealth

NASA Glenn Research Center with MAGNET (focus on manufacturing and STEM in aerospace and aeronautics)

Girls Who Code

Field trip to Morgan Conservatory for papermaking and paper marbling workshops

Prosperity Glass Jewelry Making

In addition,our Academic Scholars are selected to represent Beaumont School in the community at luncheons and special events that expose them to leaders in the business, civic, entrepreneurial and nonprofit community.