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Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sports across youth, high school, and collegiate levels in the United States. Its rapid rise in popularity has led to lacrosse becoming the newest sport sponsored by the Ohio High School Athletic Association as an “emerging” sport during the 2016-17 school. The OHSAA held its first state tournament for lacrosse in 2017.

This trend is also reflected at Beaumont as lacrosse is the school’s youngest athletic program holding its inaugural season in 2002 as a club activity. Lacrosse at Beaumont became a varsity sport the next season in 2003. Lacrosse has become one of the most participated in athletic programs at Beaumont.

Rhiannon Hunter ’21 is moving on to play at Baldwin Wallace University starting with the 2021-22 season, joining 13 classmates who made college commitments.

Tom Obrock, Head Coach

Coach Tom Obrock joined the Beaumont School lacrosse coaching staff in the spring of 2024, and took over the reins as the head coach entering the 2025 season. Obrock first started coaching in 2000 at his alma mater, Saint Ignatius High School. During his tenure at Saint Ignatius, he served as Assistant JV Coach, Head JV Coach and Varsity Offensive Coordinator. Before leaving Saint Ignatius in 2015, Coach Obrock helped to orchestrate back-to-back undefeated JV seasons and the resurgence of the varsity team culminating in a return to the state Final Four. In 2018 he started the lacrosse program at Gesu School where he has coached at all levels for both boys’ and girls’ teams, including starting the K-2 program that saw more than 180 boys and girls pick up lacrosse sticks in the first two years. Prior to the 2023 spring season, Coach Obrock co-founded the Eastside Blues Lacrosse Club for girls in grades 5-8 which is comprised of girls from various schools on the eastside of Cleveland that didn’t have a school team to join. In addition to coaching in the spring, Coach Obrock has coached numerous summer travel teams with Burning River, Force Knights and joined Resolute in 2021. Coach Obrock graduated from Ohio University in 1999 where he played club lacrosse. He lives in University Heights with his wife Emily and two children, including daughter Anna ’27.