Welcome to Beaumont Mothers’ Club!
Every mom/grandma/mom figure of a Beaumont daughter is automatically a member of the Beaumont Mothers' Club. Established in 1953, the Beaumont Mothers' Club is a participating and vital contributor to the school and has provided service and support to staff and students through a variety of events.
We want you to feel welcome and we encourage you to get involved!
Meetings: We meet at 6:30 pm in the Krupansky Library and Media Center (KLMC) – The 2024/2025 meeting schedule is listed below.
Facebook: Join our Facebook Group for updates
Moderator: Mrs. Patti Clair
2024 -2025 Officers
President: Lucy Todaro
Social Chair: Emily Obrock
Treasurer: Stephanie Phillibert
Secretary: AnnMarie Clifford
Mothers’ Club Activities
Please consider volunteering for an event or two. It’s a great way to be a part of your daughter’s school experience and to get to know other moms.
Fall Open Houses (September - November)
Greet prospective students & parents and share your Beaumont experiences. (2-3 volunteers per Open House)
Junior Unity Ceremony (November)
A Beaumont tradition in which 11th graders have their class rings/other rings blessed. Held at Beaumont. Mothers’ Club hosts the reception afterward. Opportunities to bake, help with set up/clean up and serve at the reception.
Winter Exam – Hot Cocoa (December)
The girls love it! Held the first day of winter finals. Opportunities to set up, serve and clean up. (3-4 volunteers)
Beaumont Day (January)
Quite possibly the best day of the year. A day of service, relaxation, and fun for all Beaumont students, held at Beaumont in January. Mothers’ Club parents can help with everything from serving snow cones to applying tattoos. (1-2 coordinators; 12+ volunteers; 20 bakers)
Freshman Acceptance Party (February)
A social event for all students who have been accepted to Beaumont and their families. Meet and greet prospective parents and share why Beaumont is a great choice. (2-3 volunteers)
Spring Open House (April)
Greet prospective students & parents and share your Beaumont experiences. (2-3 people)
Senior Mother-Daughter Farewell Dinner (May 12, 2025)
A wonderful farewell tradition for graduating girls and their mom/mom figures, hosted by Mothers’ Club. Opportunities for coordinating/overseeing the event, helping with planning, setting up, serving food, clean up, baking, and more. (1-2 coordinators; 6-7 volunteers for pre-planning and day of; about 20 volunteers for baking)
Spring Exam – Ice Cream (May)
Help the girls cool off after a long day of finals! Opportunities to help with set up, serving, and cleanup. (3-5 volunteers)
Baccalaureate Reception (May 16, 2025)
Mothers’ Club hosts the reception for this event for graduating seniors and their families. (5-6 volunteers for set up, clean up, serving; about 20 volunteers for baking)
Mother’s Club Meeting Dates 2024/2025
All meetings will be held in the KLMC (Library) at 6:30 pm
First Semester Meetings:
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Monday, October 14, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
Monday, December 16, 2024
Second Semester Meetings:
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Monday, April 7, 2025
Monday, May 5, 2025