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Merici Center for Success - Academic Support

Merici Center for Success offers full educational support for students with learning differences.


Our mission is to inspire and enable all students to participate in a Catholic education and to include all students, to the extent possible, with the necessary services and supports, to provide equitable access to the curriculum and extra-curricular activities regardless of their challenges while ensuring high expectations are maintained for all students. 

An inclusive education finds a place for all and does not select in an elitist way the beneficiary of its efforts. Pope Francis

Academic Support Services Available to Qualifying Students

Students with specific learning differences are evaluated and diagnosed prior to acceptance to Beaumont and must be accepted into the Merici Center to use these services. Qualified students usually enter Beaumont School with a completed evaluation, IEP, or other Academic Support Plan. The students in our Academic Support Services program work with licensed intervention specialists to receive priority scheduling and educational support throughout the day.

Beaumont is the only all-girls Catholic School on Cleveland’s east side that offers Academic Support Services.

How It Works: 

  • Each student may be provided with one full support session daily, based on individual and systematic curriculum-based instruction from one of our licensed intervention specialists.
  • Each year a schedule is created to match the individual needs of support for each student.
  • All students with learning differences and support plans receive accommodations that help enable success.
  • Students in the program are held to the same standards and graduation requirements as all other students at Beaumont School.
  • Students participate in a college transition process with our college counselor. Trips are taken throughout the school year to colleges to observe and experience academic support programming in the college setting.


Some accommodations may include:

  • Extended time on tests and quizzes
  • Separate testing
  • Computer use for testing
  • Test may be read aloud
  • Guidance and accommodations provided for college entrance exams

Program Success:

Beaumont School has 100% placement rate of graduates in colleges across the country with students who have received Academic Support Services placing in leading colleges, including:

Alfred University
Chatham College
Cleveland State University
University of Colorado
University of Cincinnati
University of Dayton
Edinboro University
Gannon University
John Carroll University
Kent State University
University of Kentucky
Mercyhurst University
Muskingum University
Ohio University
Ohio Wesleyan University
Notre Dame College
Savannah College of Art and Design
University of Toledo
Ursuline College
Miami University

The Jon Peterson Scholarship

Beaumont School is certified by the Ohio Department of Education as a provider of intervention, education, and transition services for students with mild to moderate learning differences through the Jon Peterson Scholarship. Students on this scholarship participate fully throughout the Beaumont curriculum. All students fulfill the same graduation requirements as any Beaumont student.

What Our Students Are Saying:

The Academic Support Program at Beaumont School really helped me define who I am today. All the specialists help me become more organized and suggested great ways to study for an exam. Working one on one with the intervention specialists enabled my success and graduation from high school. They boosted my confidence and I built strong relationships that are still supported today. I have learned to never give up and I cannot express how blessed I am to have had the opportunity to learn and grow through this program.

Your unconditional support has left an everlasting mark on me that I will always remember and cherish. Whenever I do not know how to study for a test or how to adjust to a professor’s teaching style, I think about the numerous study habits we tried and realized what worked and what didn’t, and the advice you would give me when I would feel confused.

What Our Parents Are Saying:

Working with the Academic Support Center faculty at Beaumont School has provided my daughter the opportunity to manage her education and has taught her how to advocate and communicate with her teachers. It has helped her identify the strategies for success necessary to adapt and learn in a typical school environment. Additionally, it provides a team approach toward her education and promotes her taking full responsibility for her education. My daughter and the faculty in the Academic Support Center form “the team” and we, her parents, are the cheerleaders!