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Legacy Corner

We caught up with Katie Knapik '95 and her daughter, Grace '25. Katie shared that she was excited for Grace to attend Beaumont, "I knew that the all girls education, academics, and overall environment would benefit Grace, and it has!"


Share your favorite class or teacher:

Katie ’95: I loved Studio Art and Art History with Mrs. Carreras and Studio Art with Sr. Lucia. 
Grace ’25: Studio Art

Tell us your favorite Beaumont tradition:

Katie ’95: Spring Art Show, Junior Ring Ceremony, and art trip to New York City - that was the best!
Grace ’25: Junior Unity and Beaumont Day

What’s the best part of having your mom/daughter attend Beaumont:

Katie ’95: The best part of having Grace at Beaumont is knowing that she is surrounded by teachers, staff, coaches, and friends that encourage her and want her to grow and be the best person she can in all areas of her life.
Grace ’25: I like that my mom and I are both part of the Beaumont community and can compare our experiences.



Favorite Song/Band

Katie ’95: U2, Dave Matthews Band, Led Zeppelin

Grace ’25: Taylor Swift


Favorite TV show

Katie ’95: ER, Friends

Grace ’25: Gilmore Girls

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Katie ’95: I don’t recall buying lunch, just curly fries sometimes

Grace ’25: Fries

We caught up with Sylcilee Barnes '93 and her daughter, Syniah '28!  Sylcilee is glad that Syniah made the decision to follow in her footsteps and attend Beaumont, "The challenges and educational experiences at Beaumont will prepare her for success in college and beyond.  Beaumont had a positive impact on my life and I know it will do the same for her."


Share your favorite class or teacher:

Sylcilee '93: My favorite teacher was Mrs. Lindstrom who I had for Honors Math Analysis.  She was an excellent teacher and I had the pleasure of letting her know that many years later when I ran into her at a grocery store.  I thanked her and also let her know that I too became a high school math teacher.  My favorite class was Fashion with Mrs. Buynak.

Syniah '28: My favorite teacher is Mr. Boudon because he is a great teacher and he makes learning fun.  I always look forward to his class.

Tell us your favorite Beaumont tradition:

Sylcilee '93:  My favorite Beaumont tradition was the Big Sis/Lil Sis mentoring program.

Syniah '28:  I have only been at Beaumont a little over a month, so I am not quite sure what my favorite Beaumont tradition is just yet.  However, I believe it may be Beaumont Day.  I have heard so much about it from my peers here at Beaumont and I am looking forward to participating in it.

What’s the best part of having your mom/daughter attend Beaumont:

Sylcilee '93:  I am glad Syniah made the decision to follow in my footsteps and attend Beaumont.  The challenges and educational experiences at Beaumont will prepare her for success in college and beyond.  Beaumont had a positive impact on my life and I know it will do the same for her.

Syniah '28:  The best part of having my mom attend Beaumont is we will always have memories to share.  My mom has shared many stories with me and I look forward to sharing my experiences with her as well.  It is amazing to see that some of the traditions still exist from when she attended.  I now get to share with her some of the new traditions that have been implemented since then.  I am grateful to be able to have this special bond with my mom.


Favorite Song/Band

Sylcilee '93:  Any song by Keith Sweat

 Syniah '28:  Drake and SZA

Favorite TV show

 Sylcilee '93:  Then - A Different World    Now - Law and Order SVU

 Syniah '28:  Grey's Anatomy

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Sylcilee '93:  I packed a lunch almost every day.  Most days it was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with plain Lays chips (or original Fritos) as my main entree.  Once in the lunchroom, I would peel apart my sandwich, layer one side with chips, and then put my sandwich back together again.  I still make this sandwich now sometimes for work.  It is delicious!!!!

Syniah '28:  A bacon burger by Chef Bo 

We caught up with Beth Baker Carlton '95 and her daughter Nora Carlton '24 about what they love about their Beaumont legacy experience. Beth shared how special it's been for the both of them, "I have so many wonderful memories from my time at Beaumont and love to see that Nora is making her own Beaumont memories. It is a special bond that we will share for life."


Share your favorite class or teacher:

Beth ’95: I had a lot of great teachers, but I recall Mrs. Buynak for Fashion and Mrs. Lindstrom for Calculus as two favorites. 

Nora ’24: My favorite class has been my IB Literature I class with Ms. Morth. Ms. Morth is honestly the best. She has a passion for teaching and truly cares about you and the class, which led me to love her class.


Tell us your favorite Beaumont tradition:

Beth ’95: The first Oldies Dance was my senior year; I remember having a great time dressing up in 70’s clothes and attending with my friends.

Nora ’24: I love all of the Beaumont traditions, but I think my favorite tradition is Beaumont Day. It is such a fun day, and it allows you to grow stronger bonds with your friends and classmates.


What’s the best part of having your mom/daughter attend Beaumont:

Beth ’95: I am glad that Nora has gotten to experience the Beaumont sisterhood and made friends that she will have for life. I love hearing about her days at school, watching her play soccer and basketball, and seeing her have fun with her classmates. I also appreciate the education she has received and Beaumont’s development of strong women leaders. 

Nora ’24: I love that my mom and I share similar experiences from Beaumont. I love hearing stories from when my mom went here. Having both of us attend Beaumont gives me a special connection to my mom that I am so thankful for.



Favorite Song/Band

Beth ’95: U2, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Snoop Dogg, Dave Matthews Band

Nora ’24: SZA or Taylor Swift


Favorite TV show

Beth ’95: Seinfeld

Nora ’24: Only Murders in the Building

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Beth ’95: I didn’t really buy lunch very often. We didn’t have the delicious lunches that Chef Bo prepares today!

Nora ’24: I love when Chef Bo makes grilled cheese and tomato soup. I also love the famous Beaumont cookie.

We caught up with Molly Centa Rochester '87, her mom, Mary Ann Tobbe Centa '52 and her daughter Cate Rochester '24. Three generations of beloved Beaumont memories!  Cate '24 loves that Beaumont is the common thread shared by the women in her family, "I am fortunate to share in the education and community that make my mom and grandma women who I look up to."


Share your favorite class or teacher:

Mary Ann ‘52: That's easy, I loved math.

Molly ‘87: I loved Studio Art and my art teachers: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. DiSanto, and Sr. Lucia. Mrs. Bihuniak taught us how to write and edit like no other.  Miss Brolli was so young and fun for Brit Lit.  Mrs. Laidman was the best!  She made Algebra II and Trig tolerable for me.  Although I never mastered the language,  I adored Madame Luke in French class.  Mrs. Plent's wise advice in AP History, before every dance was: Girls, the only thing you owe your date is the pleasure of your company!  

Cate ‘24: My favorite classes at Beaumont have been IB Bio with Mr. Masters, Studio Art with Mrs. LoPresti and Ms. Sal, and IB Lit I with Ms. Morth.  All of these teachers' passion for teaching and the subjects that they teach is contagious and makes me love these classes.  

Tell us your favorite Beaumont tradition:

Mary Ann ‘52: Ice skating on Lake Garda

Molly ‘87: I love telling people how as seniors we painted our cars and jumped the wall, as if we were prisoners for four years LOL!  In the late spring for a few years, we could count on the Benedictine seniors lining up against the windows of the Foyer, dropping their pants, and mooning us!  Sr. Ellen Mary (aka Sr. Margaret Ann) would push us all back from the windows with conviction, but we believed she was amused by the whole escapade!  As seniors, we took a class trip to NYC.  We saw the sites, ate in Chinatown, and saw A Chorus Line on Broadway.  We did not have Kairos, but I recall Junior Retreat, which was held at a classmate's house.  I remember it being meaningful and fun, and yet another way for us to bond within our Beaumont community.   I enjoyed our dances and scrambling for dates: Sophomore Dance, Thanksgiving Dance, Christmas Ball, and Junior and Senior Proms.  We had a friendly and fun class. I recall lots of laughs in the cafeteria during lunch or ILTs.  I don't think we fully appreciated the sisterhood we had, in an all-girls school, just doing our thing, without the noise of boys!  

Cate ‘24: The Beaumont traditions I love the most are singing the Alma Mater at mass or assemblies and when the Seniors jump the wall.  The Alma Mater is such a unique part of the Beaumont community.  Coming together will my classmates, linking arms, and singing captures the sisterhood Beaumont truly has.  Jumping the wall as Seniors is another tradition unique to Beaumont which I love.  Watching the Seniors run through the halls one last time and then jump the wall is such a bittersweet experience.  I cannot believe that in a few months, it will be my turn to jump the wall.  

What’s the best part of having your mom/daughter/granddaughter attend Beaumont:

Mary Ann ‘52: It's nice to keep the tradition in the family and share stories of how things have changed. 

Molly ‘87:  It's emotional to see how much Cate has grown from a quiet freshman and blossomed into the confident young woman that she's become at Beaumont and beyond.  The support and encouragement from faculty and classmates have allowed Cate to tackle challenges I never thought she would. In a similar way, I love the opportunity to witness how much Beaumont has grown - how the girls have so many more traditions than we did, like the Hot Chocolate bar during exams, Beaumont Day, and singing the Alma Mater.  Watching them link arms and be excited to sing the Alma Mater warms my heart - I'm not sure we even knew all the words to the Alma Mater when I was there!  Beaumont has always been a special place - for my mom and for me, but watching the next generation soar within those walls makes me so proud and happy. 

Cate ‘24: I love hearing stories from my mom's and grandma's times at Beaumont.  It's such a special thing to share the Beaumont community with my family.  


Favorite Song/Band

Mary Ann ‘52: Guy Lombardo

Molly ‘87: We listened to a lot of Madonna, Whitney Houston, Wham! and Michael Jackson as we cruised up and down Mayfield Road! 

Cate ‘24: Noah Kahan

Favorite TV Show

Mary Ann ‘52: Burns and Allen

Molly ‘87: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Who's the Boss, Growing Pains, and if I didn't have practice or an activity after school, I'd try to catch the last half hour of General Hospital. 

Cate ‘24: Parks and Rec

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Mary Ann ‘52: We packed our lunches

Molly ‘87: I usually packed my lunch, but enjoyed buying snacks like Little Debbie's Nutty Buddys and Hostess' Suzy-Qs.  We did not have the cuisine these girls have now with Chef Bo! 

Cate ‘24: The line for chicken nuggets and fries has been practically down the hall at times. I love the Beaumont cookie.

We caught up with Katie O'Connor Holzheimer '68 and her granddaughter, Maryclare Holzheimer '26 at a recent Legacy Mass. Katie shared that she loves seeing Maryclare thrive at Beaumont and loves to see Beaumont thriving, "I am so impressed by the way Beaumont is meeting the needs of each student and preparing them to enter the world as young Catholic women."


Katie O'Connor Holzheimer '68

What was your favorite class or teacher?

As I look back, I think the best classes I had were in biology.  I really didn’t realize it at the time but I loved studying biology, and eventually led to studying nursing in college. I also loved my French classes, and I continued to study French in college. I remember running into Sister Marie Michelle shortly before I went on a trip to France, and I told her how much I learned in her class and that I had been practicing my French in preparation for the trip.  She seem very happy to hear that. 

What were some of your favorite Beaumont traditions?

I think my favorite tradition when I was at Beaumont was the Drama Club. We had some ambitious productions like “Our Town” and “The Crucible”.  

What’s the best part of having your granddaughter attend Beaumont?

For me the best part of having Maryclare at Beaumont is seeing her thrive.  Additionally, seeing Beaumont thrive!    I am so impressed that they are meeting the needs of each student and preparing them to enter into the world as young Catholic women.  The strong focus on academics is impressive.  

Maryclare Holzheimer '26

What was your favorite class or teacher?

My favorite classes (so far) were either Theology or French. Dr. D and Mam Pam are my favorite teachers since they were so supportive and encouraging. 

What was your favorite Beaumont tradition?

Wellness days are definitely my favorite Beaumont tradition! It's great that Beaumont allows us students to relax and take a break from school on a random Friday!

 What’s the best part of having your grandmother attend Beaumont?

I love how my grandma tells me all about her experience at Beaumont and how different it was then compared to now.  I am very fortunate to have someone so close share in the Beaumont sisterhood with me. I look up to my grandma and she has played a very important role in my life. I want to continue to make her proud by being a good student because she has inspired me with all her Beaumont stories. 


Favorite Song/Band

Katie '68

Beatles and Rolling Stones

Maryclare '26

My favorite songs are either Better Man or Clean by Taylor Swift!

Favorite TV show

Katie '68

Bewitched and the Monkees

Maryclare '26

Criminal Minds is a good one

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Katie '68

French Fries

Maryclare '26

I like to go to the salad bar and get a salad or a wrap

The Beaumont tradition runs deep in the Cobb family!

We caught up with Nichole Jones Cobb '89 and her daughters Jeannea Cobb '16, JaMia Cobb '24, and Journee Cobb '25 at a recent legacy mass.


Nichole Jones Cobb '89

What was your favorite class or teacher?

Sis Debra and Sis Cheryl (religion classes)

What were some of your favorite Beaumont traditions?

Big Sis (seniors)/Little Sis (freshmen), dressing up in matching costumes and decorating lockers. 

What’s the best part of having your daughters attend Beaumont?

Seeing my daughters continuing the tradition; excellence in education; confidence to try new and bigger things; pride and confidence instilled in being a woman and female leader in the world; learning to persevere and endure face and overcome challenges and obstacles; 

It means the world to me to see my girls blossom into women of excellence and women of purpose, discovering their gifts, talents, abilities, and interests; seeing their leadership skills develop; learning to be great friends and caring, compassionate human beings willing to serve others, and coming to rest in the foundation of faith that will carry them through anything that life brings.

Jeannea Cobb '16

What was your favorite class or teacher?

My favorite classes at Beaumont were definitely Spanish and photography, taught by my two favorite teachers Ms. Sal and Mam Pam. They were truly stand-out educators who were dedicated to their students in and out of the classroom.

 I also enjoyed my math courses taught by Mr. Pettek, although not my strong suit as a student, he always worked with me no matter how long it took to ensure I felt confident when going into tests and exams. His diligence in helping others was always evident especially when it came to assisting his students in their academic success.

What was your favorite Beaumont tradition?

One of my favorite Beaumont traditions would have to be Christmas on campus. Seeing all of the children run all over campus enjoying all of the fun games and activities, especially during the Christmas season was always really heart-warming.

What’s the best part of having your mom and sisters attend Beaumont?

One of the best parts of having my mother and my younger sisters attend Beaumont would have to be seeing the evolution of what it means to be a Beaumont student. Hearing stories of my mother and her time at Beaumont and then getting to live that out for myself always gave me a sense of sisterhood and unity.

 Also after attending college and having two sisters at Beaumont taking the same classes that I did with the same teachers, is beautiful to see. Hearing how their day went at school and what Chef Bo cooked that day have become moments of nostalgia that I have grown to appreciate. Having this shared experience with my mother and sisters helps me to cherish the unique atmosphere that Beaumont helps to cultivate through community.

My ability to leave a legacy with the women in my family is a profound experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Our time at Beaumont not only has given us the academic tools to flourish in college and in our careers after, but has pushed us to continue to be faith-filled women of integrity and moral rectitude.

JaMia Cobb '24

 What is your favorite class or teacher?

I enjoy all my classes, but I especially enjoy math.

What is your favorite Beaumont tradition?

Singing the alma mater and turning our rings 24 times for our class number at junior unity. 

What’s the best part of having your mom and sisters attend Beaumont?

Bringing her back to see what has changed since she’s been here as well as what has remained the same. I especially enjoyed bringing her back to see the renovations to the field and cafeteria. Being a legacy of strong independent women who have the ability to speak their minds while being unwavering in their faith means so much to me.

Journee Cobb '25

What is your favorite class or teacher?

My current favorite class is Concepts in Chemistry and Physics.

What is your favorite Beaumont tradition?

My favorite Beaumont tradition is Beaumont Day.

What’s the best part of having your mom and sisters attend Beaumont?

Sharing this Beaumont experience to me means a lot. I have tons of support from all ends whether it's from someone who currently goes to school with me like my sister or from someone who has already been through the stuff I'm experiencing like my oldest sister or mother. They all can relate to my struggles. We all love the iconic Beaumont cookies served at lunch!


Favorite Song/Band

Nichole '89

New Edition

Jeannea '16

One Direction, The 1975, The Neighborhood, 5 Seconds of Summer…

JaMia '24

The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill

Journee '25

Umbrella by Rihanna

Favorite TV show

Nichole '89

A Different World

Jeannea '16

Red Band Society and Victorious

JaMia '24


Journee '25

Abbott Elementary

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Nichole '89

Taco Challupas

Jeannea '16

If I wasn't packing a lunch, I was most likely eating a salad. I was obsessed with Chef Bo’s salads, paired with a Beaumont cookie for a balanced lunch of course.

JaMia '24

Chef Bo's pita and hummus

Journee '25

Cheese pizza

We caught up with Nancy Hackett Clary ’90 and her daughter Nora ’23 about their shared Beaumont experience. Nancy shared, “The best part for me is seeing Nora happy and understanding the power of being in such a compassionate community.”


Nancy '90

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

My favorite classes were in studio art with Sr. Lucia. The art building was not connected to the main building like it is today so we had to walk outside to get there…not miles uphill in the snow BUT it felt like a different “campus.” A magical feeling place.

I also loved French class with Mr. Langa and English with Mrs. Bihuniak. Both have left indelible memories and fun stories to share. Such challenging subjects that I appreciated so much more once I was in college!   

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

Christmas Ball as a senior was my favorite. I also enjoyed being a part of the track team during my years at Beaumont. Each year we celebrated our state championship accomplishments at our banner raising ceremony- definitely a favorite assembly for me!

What’s the best part of having your daughter attend Beaumont

Lots of laughs! The best part for me is seeing Nora happy and understanding the power of being in such a compassionate community.

Nora '24

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

My favorite classes right now are ceramics and IB History!

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

My favorite tradition at Beaumont is the school dances. I love getting to dress up and spend time with friends!

What’s the best part of being a legacy

I love hearing my mom’s stories about her time at Beaumont as we’ve had some of the same experiences. We both bonded over taking Mrs. Bihuniak’s class! 

What does it mean to you to share this Beaumont experience with your mom

I love that I am carrying on my mom’s legacy at Beaumont. It’s crazy to think that she walked through the same halls when she was my age. It’s been really cool to share this experience together and see that some of her closest friends are the ones she met at Beaumont.


Favorite Song/Band

Nancy '90


Nora '23

It’s hard for me to pick, but lately, I’ve been listening to Rex Orange County 

Favorite TV show

Nancy '90

Seinfeld and Friends

Nora '23

Gilmore Girls!

Favorite lunch to buy at school

Nancy '90

Packed my lunch as there was no Chef Bo.

Nora '23

Definitely Chef Bo’s chicken tenders and fries

We caught up with Melissa Luna Skowronski ‘93 and her daughter, Arianna ‘23 to learn about their Beaumont experience.  “I love being able to share Arianna's Beaumont experience with her.  It's fun to relive my memories, but seeing her at Beaumont create her own memories, forge her own path, and become her own woman has been amazing to watch!"  


Melissa '93

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

There are a lot of teachers that stood out to me: Mrs. Lindstrom - Algebra and Calculus, Mrs. Buynak - Fashion, Sr. Ann - Computer, and Mr. Langa - French

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

My favorite tradition that Beaumont still does today is the Junior Ring Ceremony, but we called it the Junior Unity Mass.  Going to Arianna's this year reminded me of my time at Beaumont and the friendships that I made.

 What’s the best part of sharing your Beaumont experience

Besides the education, the best part is being able to share my memories with her.  There's a lot of, "When I was at Beaumont..."  

Arianna '23

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

My favorite classes are fashion, French, and IB environmental systems and societies. 

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

Christmas on campus! I only experienced it freshman year before covid, but I enjoyed being able to work with the younger kids and spread some holiday cheer! I hope we can bring it back next year since I’ll be a senior!

What’s the best part of sharing your Beaumont experience

 The best part is knowing that I am continuing a legacy. I know my mom is excited that our graduation years both end in 3.  So we can look forward to celebrating our reunions together!

My mom and her sisters all went to Beaumont and I have met my mom's friends from Beaumont! The thing that is the coolest is that some of my mom's classmates also have daughters in my grade that I am friends with! This has shown me how connected the Beaumont community is and I am so grateful to be a member.


Favorite Song

Melissa '93

I couldn't remember my favorite song or band, but I'm pretty sure our prom theme song was "End of the Road" by Boyz II Men

Arianna '23

I have a lot of favorite songs and artists, but I think Taylor Swift is my favorite, specifically the 10 minute version of All too well.


Favorite TV Show

Melissa '93              

I don't remember watching too much TV, but I think I watched a lot of Seinfeld.

Arianna '23

Gilmore girls!

Favorite Lunch

Melissa '93

I don't remember any of the lunches that we had, but I do remember buying the cookies.  They were definitely NOT Chef Bo cookies, which I've had and his are much better!

Arianna '23

I don’t really have a favorite lunch, but I love Chef Bo’s chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies!


We caught up with Ann Cook Van de Walle ’90 and her daughter, Quinnie ’24 to learn about their shared Beaumont experience.  Ann is currently pursuing her Masters in Social Work at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, “I had so many strong female role models at Beaumont. Women of great faith, great intelligence, and great ability who were passionately committed to giving of themselves to make the world a better place. I can see that tradition continue as I watch Quinnie’s experience unfold. Their example shaped me and inspires me still.”


Ann '90

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

So hard to choose! Some favorites: Mrs. Bihuniak was the most rigorous and best writing teacher I have ever had, bar none; Mrs. Plent in AP US History (I can still hear her say, “It was an idea whose time had come...”); Mrs. Buynak’s sewing class; Sr. Beverly Anne LoGrasso’s Peace and Justice Class 

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

I remember Christmas Ball in the Fine Arts Building and how special it felt to be in that elegant space Senior Year for a holiday dance.

What’s the best part of sharing your Beaumont experience

It is so much fun that Quinnie has Mrs. Bihuniak now.  It is awesome to share such an indelible learning experience across the generations!  It is also fun to go back to watch her compete, being in the gym and remembering competing there as well.

 It is a gift to see Quinnie so happy at Beaumont and to see that Beaumont continues to prepare young women to be strong, capable, faithful leaders within a community that fosters strong bonds of Sisterhood. I am grateful that Beaumont and the wonderful people there have a part in shaping her.

Quinnie '24

Tell us about your favorite class or teacher

I loved all of the tech classes that I took with Sr. Ann freshman year (digital design, computer science). I also really like the discussions that we have in AP Gov. It’s definitely a well-paced class that leaves room for us to talk about our personal experiences.  

Share your favorite Beaumont tradition

I really enjoyed my first “normal” Beaumont Day this year with all of the fun activities and time to hang out with friends!

What’s the best part of sharing your Beaumont experience

Agree on the Mrs. Bihuniak tidbit!  I think it is super exciting that we have been taught by the same teacher and experienced some similar projects!

I am really glad that I am able to go to the same high school as my mom and have similar experiences in the same space even though they’re separated by time. I remember hearing about Beaumont when I was younger and I feel fortunate to be able to share this with her. It is definitely fun to bond over our Beaumont experiences!


Favorite Song/Band

Ann '90

I remember a lot of Tom Petty and quite a bit of Springsteen

Quinnie '24            

Not really original, but I’m on a big Taylor Swift kick right now

Favorite TV Show

Ann '90                    

I can’t remember watching much tv, but I do remember the movie Fletch running all the time

Quinnie '24

So hard to pick, but one of my favorites (and the family’s) is Ted Lasso.

Favorite Beaumont Lunch

Ann '90

We didn’t have a Chef Bo… I brought my lunch!

Quinnie '24

That one chicken and waffle day every year for sure!